Kansas House of Representatives District 19 Overland Park, Kansas

YOUR VOICE MY VOTE in Topeka - PERIOD! Representing the residence and voters.


PRO CHILD - PRO Parents - PRO Family - PRO Education - PRO Young Adult - PRO Small Business - PRO WORK - PRO Constitutional Law and Order within limit of State. "We the people...back in charge..."

Return our government to "WE THE PEOPLE...." Employ HERMES with your vote to be your Statesperson and District 19 public servant! 
Disability of my leg has decreased the opportunity to meet district residents. Call 913-642-5965 or email me with questions and comments:

Thank you District 19 for your VOTE! I appreciate your support  and participation in our American Government!  Email questions to:

I ASK FOR YOUR VOTE HERMES November 5 to HIRE ME and REPRESENT YOU in Topeka! Vote 4 me not Stephanie! Time for a positive change - Support term limits.

ALL KANSAS RESIDENTS PLEASE VOTE! Ask your neighbors and community to support Mark HERMES for HOUSE 19! Vote HERMES. Thank you! REPUBLICANS PARTICIPATE AND VOTE! Only 2 of 3 District 19 voters participated in 2022 general! No more apathy and irresponsibility to America by the GOP - GOTV get out and vote for our sovereignty!

Legislative PLAN of LEADERSHIP for Improving Kansas:

 Taxes, Education, Security, Healthcare, Elections, Personal Rights 

AMERICA FIRST in Kansas working to improve the future of our families, children, and yound adults.

LOWER TAXES and cut government spendingDecrease runaway INFLATION and TAXES by balanced government budgets and WASTE REDUCTION decreased extravagance. Create good JOBS for Kansas families and single persons of all age.

NO TAX INCREASES the budget is TOO BIG! $35 TRILLION US DEBT  $35 Billion KANSAS DEBT KS TAXES $27B - KS SPENDING $39B KS taxes 12% of GDP and KS SPENDING 17.4% of GDP! 6.6% KS citizens / non-citizens on FOOD ASSISTANCE. LOWER THE TAXES before more citizens and businesses LEAVE KANSAS! 

EDUCATION over ENTERTAINMENT in K-12 Schools. Inspire children to learn! Readers become Leaders. FULL Funded goal oriented success for children's education.

Help SECURE BORDER from INVASION of district, county, Kansas, and America! NO SPRINGFIELD, OHIO IN KANSAS! Not SANCTUARY designation! Support Legal Constitutional Immigration.

PROTECT KANSAS from crime, drugs, child sex trafficking with the BEST LAW ENFORCEMENT anywhere.

HEALTHCARE ISSUES for improvement of systems, professionals, gaps, closures, aging, activity, mental wellness, nutrition in Kansas. 

COLA for RETIRED and disabled being destroyed by INFLATION that is a DEBT created TAX confiscated from everyone.

TRUST LAW CHANGES for protecting elderly and farmers.

IMPROVEMENTS for "the best interest of child"Drug test judges! REDUCE FATHERLESS CHILDREN.

Personal Rights of citizens supported and enforced. 

Do NOT support lower voting age to 16! (HRC5023) Introduced by Kansas Representative Stephanie Sawyer Clayton District 19. 

STOP bad bills and REMOVE bad laws! SUNSET THE LAWS and TAXES.



DECREASE TAXES for Kansas residence, families, and business. TAXES ARE TOO HIGH! We PAY TOO MUCH to run OUR government. Financial responsibility and accountability of state representation and NGOs. Retired persons and young are hurting financially. NO HIGHER TAXES! NO NEW TAXES! Cut tax on BIG TAX EXPENDITURES for Kansas taxpayers, NOT LITTLE significance tax cuts like food and personal hygiene products sales. CUT sales and use tax on things that will decrease a larger cost paid by Kansas taxpayers, like ulilities, housing, medicine, gas, no toll roads. CUT state and county taxes with efficiencies, and operate like a business, add common sense, waste reduction (FIFA World Cup), no extravagance, decrease fraud. The economy is changing, plan ahead. Create opportunities for young Kansas businesses to employ, produce, and profit.

END OPEN UNVETTED ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. NO SANCTUARY District, City, County, State. No Springfield, Ohio destroyed cities in Kansas (unlikely, because KS is not a swing state). Protection for our citizens, children, cats, dogs, and animals. ASPCA supported. STOP importing drugs, crime, violence, disease, child abuses, and humanitarian disaster by illegal immigration of the previous 4 years

Cost of Living Adjustments COLA, and tax relief for retired, persons of need, and disabled. Battle INFLATION and taxation hurting fixed income and low income.

Healthcare improvement, and assistance for retired - COLA. Improve access, quality, affordability, Social Security and Medicare. Mental wellness accessibility increased.

Kansas K-12 schools spend $16-20K per student each year. Improve K-12 results with goal driven EDUCATION over ENTERTAINMENT. FULL Funding of education with accountability. INSPIRE CHILDREN TO LEARN! No boys in girls locker rooms or bathrooms. Replace TAMPON dispensers in bathrooms with a health medical KIT dispenser containing hygiene products. Focus on education of children. READERS are future LEADERS. High school proficiency focus and recovery opportunities or programs. Enhance education opportunities and Level-Up scholarships from Kansas and businesses for technical, medical, industrial, education, manufacturing.

Support enforcement of Family Law and parental RIGHTS and legislation. REDUCE FATHER ABSENCE in Kansas families.

Grandparent family custody legislation supporting teenage children rights to petition court for family residential care improvement. Decrease emotional and physical child abuse, runaways, neglect, truancy, drug abuse, self-harm, mental unwellness, school and education achievement failure. THINK ABOUT CHILDREN!

SUPPORT LAW ENFORCEMENT FOR KANSAS - Train Fund Equip Retain the BEST OFFICERS IN AMERICA! Remove corruption by AG and KBI. 

Unclassified misdemeanor citation for lying to law enforcement and deception in family courts. Fine lying that hurts children and families and cost taxpayers. Lies in court could be instantly fined. Decrease justice administration costs. Ones lies in court or to police and one pays Kansas fines. A pack of lies results in more Kansas revenue and a court visit.

Drug test Kansas Judges! JUDGES ARE NOT DRUG TESTED! The Constitutional judicial process is the foundation for the protection of the United States citizen's Constitutional Amendments. Failure of either the Constitutional judicial process or proceedings invalidates both the Constitution and the laws of the United States. Kansas voters can not remove an impaired or bias family court judge by retention election, judicial complaint, or recusal. Change K.S.A. 20-2809 "a majority" with "forty percent". Pass the "Drug test Judge Dan K Wiley" bill in KS. One in five to one in three attorney judges could be impaired! Think about this if you enter the court room. Never take a Hon. Wiley ("no merit") or Hon. Keven M P O'Grady bench trial.

Change Kansas estate trust laws similar to Missouri for protection of elderly and Kansas farmers. Benefit for Kansas financial and legal industry.

DO NOT SUPPORT LOWERING VOTING AGE TO 16 YEARS OF AGE FOR KANSAS (HCR 5023). NO LOWERING OF VOTING AGE TO 16. Qualifications of electors. Every citizen of the United States who has attained the age of eighteen 16 years and who resides in the voting area in which he or she such person seeks to vote shall be deemed a qualified elector. NOT SUPPORTED! "Explanatory statement. This amendment would lower the minimum age to be qualified to vote in elections in this state from 18 to 16 years." HRC 5023 Introduced by Kansas Representative Stephanie Sawyer Clayton District 19.

Representative Stephanie Clayton voted AGAINST born-alive infants protection act, a bill that provides legal protection to born-alive infants who are born alive regardless of the intent of the delivery.

Please vote to hire me for Kansas House to REPRESENT OUR DISTRICT 19 with YOUR VOICE BEING MY VOTE in Topeka on all forms of legislation and Kansas policy. I will introduce or support bills to lower taxes, improve K-12 education, insure law and order, help elderly, and protect children in and with family courts and NGOs. I will oppose bad legislation for our district and Kansas.

  TEAM WORK makes our American DREAM WORK Ameritocracy Initiative building a united coalition of American citizens committed to empowering, elevating, and facilitating access to the American dream for American citizens, regardless of race, creed, color, or religion. United in the American Dream across the entire United States.


PRO CHILD - PRO Parents - PRO Family - PRO Education - PRO Young Adult - PRO Small Business - PRO Constitutional Law and Order within limit of State. "We the people..."

Support CHILDREN'S RIGHTS and protection! If we do not fight for children's Constitutional Rights, then our grown children will not fight for America and the Constitution! America is built one generation at a time. Make CHILDREN a priority in all elections!

Deuteronomy 5Hear, Israel, the decrees and laws I declare in your hearing today. Learn them and be sure to follow them. The Lord our God made a covenant with us at Horeb. It was not with our ancestors that the Lord made this covenant, but with us, with all of us who are alive here today. The 10 Commandments.


 MAGAFOC - Make America Great Again for our CHILDREN 

 MAHA - Make America Healthy Again - AMERICA FIRST 

 Fight, fight, fight, fist up TRUMP SUPPORTERS! Vote Nov 5 to STOP inflation, Invasion, Increased Taxation, Crimes against children. SECURE THE BORDER! Improve K-12 Education with positive results! Protect Constitutional Rights! 

Three of the American soldiers that raised our US flag died before the end of the battle. Why do Americans NOT EXPECT the same patriotism of our elected Statespersons, representation, and government public servants? Should elected or employed government be of equal responsibility as our US soldiers?

Family Religious Values and Constitutional based legislation combating the PANDEMIC of FATHERLESS CHILDREN and Unhealthy Child Development and Care. 


FAMILY PICTURES FROM CHURCH over the years 2006 to 2018. 

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Who is Mark HERMES?

       An Experienced Leader for KANSAS:

Children's and Family Legislation and Improved K-12 and post K-12 Education and training

Financial responsibility to Kansas residence and tax payers

Security and protection for children and families

Protection of our families, homes, districts, State, and country 

Experienced in business, legislation, finance, family, and education. 
Support law and order with protection of individual rights within responsibility of the State.
Christian / religious values and lifelong church member.
The Bible is a good book, and to remember the 10 Commandments and 7 Deadly Sins. A reference to my personal accountability.
Single father living with faith and family values. Not perfect.
GIVE TO HELP IMPROVE THE LIVES OF CHILDERN and District 19 with your support and resources for improved legislation and family court results. Recruit voters to support HERMES for HOUSE 19!
Give your time to discuss politics with others and to help elect representation to improve Kansas.
Talk to you neighbors! Display a campaign sign.  
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Candidate History:
2015 to present: Write legislation and litigate to help children and families. 
2022 - 2026: Johnson County Prescient chairperson 0201.
2024 - 2026: Candidate for Kansas House of Representatives District 19.
19th House District Boundaries are Metcalf Avenue east to Stateline and 103rd street north to 83rd street Overland Park, Kansas.
COMING SOON! Elected Kansas House of Representatives District 19, Johnson County. RESTORE CONSERVATIVE REPRESENTATION in the 19th District!

Want to learn more?

  Sponsored by Mark Hermes for Kansas House of Representatives, Treasurer Mark Hermes