Ameritocracy Initiative seeks to build a united coalition of citizens who are committed to the effort of empowering, elevating, and facilitating access to the American dream for all U.S. citizens, regardless of race, creed, color, or religion.


Our Constitutional Republic is based on the foundational principal of citizen self-determination as an unalienable human right.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness."


Embodying the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., this Ameritocracy Initiative seeks to build a united coalition of citizens who are committed to the effort of empowering, elevating, and facilitating access to the American dream for all U.S. citizens, regardless of race, creed, color, or religion.


"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."

- DR. Martin Luther King Jr.


The Ameritocracy Initiative provides a pragmatic and unifying option to the 'woke' ideology which is ineffective and divisive to our society.


Three Pillars of the Ameritocracy Initiative



To ensure that every American citizen, regardless of race, creed, color, religion, economic status, or personal preference is afforded the opportunity to pursue their own dreams.



The belief that a person's ability to achieve the "American Dream" is not determined by how they look, but by what they choose to do, or not to do.  We will remove barriers and facilitate pathways to success, through education, mentorship, coaching, and empowerment.



States benefit by investing in mechanisms which facilitate elevate all citizens from poverty and despair. When citizens are able to participate in the "American Dream," all communities benefit, both socially, and economically.



We will break generations of systemic poverty through a "hand-up" approach within our social systems.

Whereas our welfare system will no longer subjugate marginalized groups and communities to a lifetime of poverty, rather it will act solely as a temporary mechanism to provide individuals with success in achieving education, certifications, trades, and further job placement.


We pledge to implement merit-based policies within our school systems in order to ensure that all students develop and improve their personal strengths. We will facilitate student success through the implementation of learning systems designed to foster positive self-initiated behaviors, self-worth and resiliency.


The Ameritocracy Initiative Pledge :

"I pledge to uphold the pillars of Ameritocracy to break generations of systemic poverty, I pledge to reject any divisive, race-based policy, and implement the mechanisms of Ameritocracy in our schools, businesses, and governments. "





M. Semi Bird is a Constitutional Christian Conservative who started his life's journey in the ghetto of East Oakland, California. He was born to a single mother of seven children, prior to the passing of the Civil Rights Act.


Semi's mother raised him in a Christian environment, where he was always held accountable for his actions. "Victim mentality" was not to be tolerated in her household for the simple reason that Mrs. Bird believed firmly in taking control of one's own destiny despite outside circumstances. In her eyes, this would ensure Semi and his siblings' growth into strong, independent, resilient, and positive-contributing members of society. Semi was raised on the principles of Ameritocracy and as such he has achieved the American Dream.


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